I Have Special Features You've Never Seen...
So, I greeted the day much like I always do...sleepy and cursing at it like a trucker. :) Today seemed to be more about the sunshine than the smiles. That being said, there were plenty of reasons to smile today...ok maybe only one. But, she's more than reason enough. And with an incredibly beautiful woman by my side and gorgeous sunshine, it's days like today, that I'm thankful that I live in the greatest city in the entire world. That's right folks...I think that I can say without any hyperbole whatsoever, that Vancouver is the greatest city in the history of the universe. :)
Nothing new to report on the apartment front...mes parents just returned from Boston no more than a week ago, and it's taken them a little more than a week to get back into a regular routine. Which ultimately means that my father isn't around to complete the renos. C'est la vie. So, as things stand, I should be in hopefully by the end of next week. Although, the goal is to be in and settled ready to host the World Cup of Hockey at the end of August...which in theory gives me more than enough time to move in...although, sooner is preferable to later.
That being said, I'm one step closer to having a fully furnished apartment. My father and I went refridgerator shopping the other day. The current fridge in the apartment is too big. In fact, its kinda obtrusive. My father seems to be leaning towards the apartment size LG fridge. It's actually pretty shiny. But...if you're gonna buy an LG fridge, you have to buy the internet fridge! That's right folks, you can surf the web with your fridge now. What would we do without technology. I eagerly await the day, when I will be able to scan, photocopy, print, collate, and fax with the simple flush of a toilet. :)
Anyways, while I was in the Futureshop...which I might add, are seeming to be more ghetto everyday...I came across the new Deluxe Edition Spider-Man. Which is unfortunate, because I had to buy it. It has a new special features disc. It told me so..."Oh Jeff...Jeff...I have a new special features disc...special features..." And while many of you will be questioning my Spider-Man psychosis, I should remind you of one simple fact...new special features disc! Ok. Not especially convincing...but, it's my malfunctions, and I have to live with it. Good thing my father was there, (he ridiculed me for buy a movie I already own...much like many of you will do...for a special features disc...but, I vow to you now, that old man is going down!) cause I probably would have bought the Superbit version as well. :)
Leaving my childhood (and according to some adulthood) hero behind us, I had a nice chat with the nice Dutch lady at work today regarding the Holland/Netherlands-Germany game yesterday. I had the presence of mind to tape the game, and politely refuse any football conversations with people yesterday, until after I had watched the game. Let me just say that my pronunciation of Dutch names was seemingly good, as she never corrected me once nor did she seem offended by my pronunciations. I find that nowadays, people can be easily offended, when an "outsider", such as myself, tries to co-op their culture.
Let's face facts: I'm Canadian. I'm also Chinese. I'm not Dutch (or as my brother likes to call them the Hollish...there's something wrong with that guy). So, it could be very easy for her to dismiss me and my "allegiance" to the Dutch national team. What's very cool, is that my love for her native country, was taken as it should be. Positively. And my support for the Dutch, was seemingly enduring and perhaps brings me one step closer from being a wanna-be Dutchman to being fully clad in the orange grace that is the Netherlands. :) But seriously, I think that's what makes this country so great. Not only tolerance and acceptance of other cultures and peoples, but how we as Canadians, embrace those cultures and people and make them apart of our everyday world.
Ok. So, that's today's lesson:
1. Smiles and sunshine...or is it sunshine and smiles?
2. Vancouver. Greatness of epic proportions.
3. Futureshop is ghetto.
4. Currently, only Mother Nature accepts faxes from toilets.
5. Inanimate objects are capable of telepathy.
6. I have new special features.
7. The Dutch or Hollish are damn fine people (so are Hungarians...but, that's a discussion for a different time :) ).
8. Apparently, I look good in orange.
Remember, while this won't be on the mid-term, everything is fair game on the final exam. Alright folks...I've just been given some sherbert...it's lemon. I have to eat it post haste. Have yourselves a good one. I'm out. Later.
As soon as I get some money, I'll be doing the same thing for "Princess Bride". Either that, or I'll borrow DC's sister's copy...
Karin, at June 18, 2004 at 3:49 PM
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