If you're gonna live under my roof, you'll obey my rules! Now butter up that bacon, boy!
I swear...that show just gives so much...and expects nothing in return...*single tear*. Speaking of angry white guys and bacon, I think that DC may have been a little angry with JS (aka Callahan) and myself yesterday...probably more so me than Callahan. As you know, DC, KA, and myself (and also Callahan), play Ultimate. It may also not surprise you to know that DC is our esteemed coach and captain. Since the beginning of his illustrious days as our fearless leader, DC has had the nickname Candyman. This is because he routinely brings out candy to the games. I thought it was originally because of his latent pedophilia. :) Nevertheless, the nickname sticks mostly because of the candy. A little sugar boost for our team and our opponents. But, how can he call himself the Candyman, when he refuses to supply the team with adequate and/or appropriate candy. Case in point (this is where the angry comes in).
You see, last week, our good friend TB, suggested a pre-game cheer. That being: "Bacon! The candy of meat!" And seeing as DC is the Candyman, you would think that he would be receptive to taking requests for candy suggestions. Apparently not. Cause when I suggested that he bring out a grill to provide us with "the candy of meats", he gave Callahan and myself the cold shoulder. Needless to say, both Callahan and I were laughing when I asked him. Don't know why it was so funny...I think it was more the expectation of DC's response that was so funny, more than the absurdity of the question, or the actual response. That being said, who knew that DC would be so unreceptive to bacon. Just goes to show you...DC...not a fan of bacon. :) Later.
Not a fan of bacon?! Ye gods...that's a deal breaker if ever I heard one. At least he cooks it for others... :)
Karin, at June 26, 2004 at 11:59 AM
Just for the record, I only got part of what Callahan and Jeff were babbling about, so I didn't realize that there was an actual query being made...
DC, at June 27, 2004 at 7:17 PM
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